
General Question

VE-WE-GE Empowering Rural India is an empowering project started from inheritance from the parents of one of the founding members.  It is about raising India from the grassroots level in the villages. It focuses on promoting Village Empowerment, Women Empowerment, and Girl Empowerment.

To empower entrepreneurs and small businesses in rural India to become sustainable, self-sufficient, and self-reliant. Particular emphasis will be on women entrepreneurs and women’s cottage industry empowerment projects. A large part of the profits will be diverted to the education of girls in villages and to creating sustainable living for widows.

VE-WE-GE offers handcrafted cottage industry products made in rural India made by women entrepreneur groups, family businesses, and individual handcrafted entrepreneurs. To date, these include handcrafted shawls and stoles made from handlooms copper water containers, and copper water bottles for healthy living.

It provides sustainable living for skilled artisans, women entrepreneur groups, and small-scale handcrafted cottage industry manufacturers in the villages of India.

VE-WE-GE Rural India will soon be diverting profits into the education of girls and sustainable living for widows in rural India. It is a new organization that is confident of reaching out to many.

No. VE-WE-GE Empowering Rural India is based on Vedic Philosophy. VE-WE-GE Empowering Rural India will pay taxes. Also, the artisans will live with pride and dignity. They do not want handouts. They will produce and offer very high-quality cottage industry products. They will ethically warn their living with pride and honor. Buying VE-WE-GE products will give them this. As well as education for girls, the profits of VE-WE-GE will also offer opportunities for other village artisans to live with pride, honor, and dignity.

In the villages of rural India women entrepreneur groups and small-scale family businesses.

VE-WE-GE Empowering Rural India does not have a focus on being a profit-oriented business. Its main focus is on serving women entrepreneur groups and small-scale family cottage industry manufacturers. We will source products made from natural materials and not from anyone employing children. We will support the education of girls and encourage them to rise to a high level.

We aim to encourage women to set up women entrepreneur groups where all management and manufacturing decisions will be taken by women. Professional business coaching will be provided at no cost.

From the office of VE-WE-GE Empowering Rural India, we aim to provide widows with small incense stick-making machines where they can make incense sticks at their convenient times, keeping their family times and needs a priority. They will not have to sell their hand-produced large goods. VE-WE-GE Empowering Rural India will buy them.

Large part of the profits will be ploughed into the education of girls in rural India.

The business is based on Vedic Philosophy. The focus is on serving the cottage industry artisans and not on profits. Encouraging them to raise themselves by themselves, providing training and support for them to achieve healthy standards of sustainable living.